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Affiliated Organizations

CIIS Public Programs produces events and continuing education opportunities for people who are curious about themselves and the world. Our programs and podcast further personal and social transformation by bringing together the diverse voices of visionaries, artists, and scholars to share compelling experiences, offer new perspectives, and expand creative horizons.

The mission of the Center for Christogenesis is to deepen Teilhard de Chardin’s integration of science and spirituality by providing insights and practices to enkindle awareness of love at the heart of reality.

CCAM’s primary goal is building an accessible community for the development and sharing of abstract ideas and forms of technical know-how, know-when, and know-why historically siloed in academia. Reciprocally, CCAM aims to hybridize the art, technology, and research cultures it borrows from the academy by drawing on and inviting in queer, anti-racist, and decolonial perspectives. By intentionally developing this community outside of the academy, CCAM seeks to break down barriers to access for engaging in art, technology, and surrounding critical theory.

From its beginning in 2000, the Center for Ecozoic Studies has been concerned with the integration of the human world in the natural world. Their work has been inspired and guided by Thomas Berry’s vision and insight.

The Center for Open and Relational Theology began in 2019. It fosters networks, develops resources, sponsors projects, and promotes events that deepen and broaden open and relational theologies. It appreciates and builds from the important work of previous open and relational thinkers.

The Centre for Philosophical Practice “Chromatiques Whiteheadiennes” is a non-profit organization, founded in 2006. It is managed by Michel Weber and specializes in three complementary axes (research, publication and counselling), each reflecting in its own order the guiding principles of the philosophical act (creativity, efficacy, and vision).

A non-profit that provides artistic, religious and psychological services to awaken to the moral and ecologic crisis as an invitation for spiritual growth and creating loving community with all of creation, caring for our common home, Mother Earth. The vision is to spiritually awaken and raise our consciousness about the sacred nature of all life and our interconnectedness in order to come together as a human family and care for our common home and love God/dess with all our hearts, souls and minds and creation as ourselves.

CIIS’ Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness (PCC) department is dedicated to reimagining the human species as a mutually enhancing member of the Earth community. The heart of the department is the focus on knowledge that is transformative—of ourselves, others, and our civilization. The programs attract intellectually engaged individuals who are to varying degrees dismayed by what they see happening in modern societies and who are striving to find meaningful ways to develop their gifts to serve the future of the world.

Claremont School of Theology (CST) is a private graduate school focused on religion and theology and located in Claremont, California. It is an official theological school of the United Methodist Church.

The Cobb Institute promotes a process-relational worldview to advance wisdom, harmony, and the common good, and cultivates local initiatives to bring about an ecological civilization. These aims will be accomplished by fostering creative transformation through educational development, community collaboration, sustainable practices, and spiritual integration.

The Developmental Politics Project’s mission is to advance the evolution of consciousness and culture in America. Our work focuses on overcoming the hyper-partisan polarization that threatens American democracy.

The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values and principles considered useful by its supporters for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century. Created by a global consultation process, and endorsed by organizations representing millions of people, the Charter “seeks to inspire in all peoples a sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the human family, the greater community of life, and future generations.”

EcoCiv Korea works with partners in South Korea and around the world to promote a new paradigm for ecological civilization. Ecological Civilization envisions all human societies to embrace sustainable transitions for all life. The great human civilization achieved tremendous developments in human history on earth. However, there are some omits that our civilization left with ignorance and irresponsibility. The transition that we are envisioning is not limited in ecological studies or environmental movements. It would be about all aspects of collective human society as a civilization. We need a civilizational transitioning for the future. In order to achieve our vision the Institute for Ecological Civilization in Korea is sharing a vision by connecting with scholars, activists, governments, and politicians, in Korea and beyond.

Emerge is a network responding to the question of what is happening within, between and beyond human beings in a civilisation that appears to be dying. We connect pioneers, seekers, innovators and their initiatives. We highlight what we share and seek to make visible the patterns that connect us. We help each other to respond to the most urgent challenges of our time. Together, we will sow the seeds of a new civilisation.

The European Society for Process Thought focuses on Alfred North Whitehead’s thought in all its aspects (historically as well as systematically), the relations of Whitehead’s work to other philosophical traditions, as well as the interdisciplinary relevance of process thought.

Flagstaff College is a small, innovative, upper-division college located in Flagstaff, Arizona, founded on the urgent need to learn to live in ways that are life-affirming and responsive to the ecological threats facing our world today.

The German Whitehead Society was founded in January 2010 as a non-profit organization with the aim of promoting the examination of AN Whitehead’s philosophy in German-speaking countries.

Gonzaga University is a private Jesuit university in Spokane, Washington. It is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Founded in 1887 by Joseph Cataldo, an Italian-born priest and Jesuit missionary, the university is named after the young Jesuit saint Aloysius Gonzaga.

Hanshin University is a private university in Osan, in the Seoul National Capital Area of South Korea. Established in 1939, it is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea. Hanshin University was formerly a theological seminary and became a university in 1980. It currently offers undergraduate and post-graduate degree programs as well as modules for continuing education.

A podcast series established by process theologian Tripp Fuller, that has taken the world by storm. Now the #1 theology podcast, Homebrewed Christianity has grown become a community of professors, ministers, and lay people interested in exploring the big questions of theology and life. In addition to the podcast, the Homebrewed Christianity movement includes a theology book series, online courses, and more.

The Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought (IARPT) is a community of productive scholars with diverse theological and philosophical perspectives. The Institute contributes to the academic study of religion and philosophy through interpretive, critical, and constructive reflections whose principal focus is on distinctively American religious and philosophical thought.

The Institute for Ecological Civilization works internationally to support systemic approaches to long-term sustainability by developing collaborations among government, business, and religious leaders and among scholars, activists, and policy makers. We build effective partnerships across social sectors through consultations, think-tank gatherings, and policy engagement.

The Institute for Postmodern Development of China (IPDC) aim to create and promote new modes of development in China and the West. Using ideas that integrate classical Chinese philosophy with constructive postmodern thought, IPDC develops new solutions to practical problems associated with economic growth, social change, globalization, and the environmental crisis.

The International Process Network (IPN) is a network of organizations and individuals dedicated to supporting, generating, and disseminating an international discourse on the meaning and implications of process thought. The IPN is a means to activate communication with process-related organizations and individuals around the world to advance the Common Good.

The Japan Society for Process Studies has been established for the purpose of promoting the interdisciplinary researches in the various academic fields through the studies of Whitehead’s philosophy, and of contributing to the development of these academic fields through academic exchanges between and among researchers.

The mission of the Living Earth Movement is twofold. The short-term priority is to get the U.S. and China to cooperate for the sake of all life on this planet. The second and equally important priority is to promote the foundations for a new kind of civilization in which humans would learn to value and cooperate with the rest of the ecosphere. We need a world in which humans understand themselves as part of a living earth community. We call this an ecological civilization.

The Metaphysical Society of America is an organization of professional philosophers that meets annually to discuss issues of fundamental concern in all of the major areas of philosophical reflection. It is a society committed to the principle that philosophical thought is open to a variety of different traditions and methodologies, and at its annual meeting, it provides a forum for the discussion of the questions that have animated philosophical debate from the start.

A website featuring multiple authors and artists exploring a process outlook on life and way of living in the world, along a virtual community of supporters from different parts of the world. Averages unique 500 visits a day. Focus is on process and practice. Subject matter is wide-ranging: art and music, spirituality, ecological civilization, animals, interfaith cooperation, science, psychology, education – all considered portals to a process outlook and way.

Pando Populus is a non-profit producer of initiatives and events that bring Los Angeles County change-makers together to accomplish high-impact challenges that can’t be pulled off alone. Our aim is to fast-track the region toward a more ecologically balanced way of life—what Pope Francis calls “integral ecology” and our founding chair John Cobb describes as “ecological civilization.”

Philosophy Portal is an online education platform focused on teaching the foundational philosophical discourses of the modern world, and creating new online and physical event spaces where philosophy can become actual.

Process Century Press is an academic press associated with the International Process Network dedicated to transdisciplinary applications of process thought. The press publishes books that view scholarly issues and world concerns from a process perspective.

The University of Saskatchewan Process Philosophy Research Unit (USPPRU) is unique in the Canadian university system. It comprises a group of interdisciplinary researchers, who have been actively engaged in investigating process philosophy and its relationship to education, ecology, culture, science and society since 1992.

Psychedelics Today is the planetary leader in psychedelic education, media and advocacy. Psychedelics are set to disrupt the way humanity approaches healing and wellness, making way for a new paradigm in healthcare and cognitive liberty. We bridge scientific, academic, philosophical, societal, and cultural disciplines, covering up-to-the-minute developments and diving deep into crucial topics. Together, we are leading the discussion in this rapidly evolving ecosystem. Through compelling content, thoughtful conversation and industry-leading education for a community of over 2.2 million annual learners, Psychedelics Today has the largest global reach of any media platform in the modern psychedelic realm. We honor this responsibility with humanity and humility.

Sky Meadow Institute is an organization dedicated to advancing systems-based thinking about humanity’s most significant concerns. We do this through a variety of means, including events, research, and online content. Our goal is to bring a complexity lens to the most important matters of life, with a particular focus on issues of meaning and purpose.

The Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (SPEP) is a professional organization devoted to supporting philosophy inspired by continental European traditions. With a membership of over 2500 people, it is one of the largest American philosophical societies, and strives to encourage work not only in the philosophical traditions of phenomenology and existentialism, but also in all those areas commonly associated with ‘continental philosophy,’ such as animal studies, critical theory, cultural studies, deconstruction, environmental philosophy, feminism, German idealism, hermeneutics, philosophy of the Americas, post-colonialism, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis, philosophy of race and queer theory.

Founded in 1966, SSPP was one of the first satellite organizations of the American Philosophical Association. The Society is a group of scholars in philosophy and related fields with a specialty or interest in process thought. The Society holds periodic meetings in conjunction with each of the divisional meetings of the American Philosophical Association, as well as at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy.

The Way Collective is a movement for wholeness in Santa Barbara, CA, and is a community of people who care for the common good of our world. By inhabiting the ancient wisdom tradition of Christian spirituality, as well as drawing from the other great ways of being and wisdom traditions available to us, the Way Collective is a community that is welcoming to people of all beliefs, backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, perspectives, and convictions. Way Collective hopes to embody a new possibility for spiritual community today, one of unity and hope amidst division and despair.

The Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll) is the leading collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working towards a Wellbeing Economy, delivering human and ecological wellbeing. We were born in 2018 as a time-bound project to catalyse a transition towards a Wellbeing Economy by promoting radical connection and collaboration between different actors of the new economy ecosystem, so we can achieve impact larger than the sum of our parts.

The Whitehead Research Project (WRP) is dedicated to research and scholarship on the texts, philosophy, and life of Alfred North Whitehead. It is the home of the Critical Edition of Whitehead, which aims to critically edit all of Whitehead’s writings, both published and unpublished; the Whitehead Research Library (WRL), which makes archival Whitehead materials freely available for online viewing and download; the Whitehead Encyclopedia, which provides open access to scholarly articles on Whiteheadian process thought; and the Contemporary Whitehead Studies book series (CWS), which publishes interdisciplinary books by leading Whitehead scholars.

The Korean Whitehead Society is an interdisciplinary group that studies the process thoughts of Alfred North Whitehead. The society is dedicated to exploring philosophy, theology, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and applied sciences, etc. related to Whitehead’s philosophy of organism.

The Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology is an international multireligious project contributing to a new academic field and an engaged moral force of religious environmentalism. With its conferences, publications, monthly newsletter, and website, it explores religious worldviews, texts, and ethics in order to contribute to environmental solutions along with science, policy, law, economics, and appropriate technology.

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Process Centers in China

Currently, there are 36 process research centers in China, all established since 2002.

  1. Beijing Center 1 (Philosophy, Beijing Normal University)
  2. Beijing Center 2 (Politics and Law, Beijing International Culture Studies University)
  3. Wuhan Center for Process (Philosophy, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
  4. Xian Center (Process Philosophy, Xian Jiaotong University)
  5. Yancheng Center (Education, Yancheng Normal University)
  6. Suzhou Center (Sustainable Urbanization, Soochow University)
  7. Zhanjiang Center (Education, Zhanjiang Normal College)
  8. Hangzhou Center (Process Theology, Zhejiang University
  9. Shandong Center (Process Psychology, Shandong University)
  10. Tianjin Center (Process Education, Tianjin Normal University)
  11. Heilongjiang Center (Culture Philosophy, Heilongjiang University)
  12. Guilin Center (Constructive Postmodern Culture, Guangxi Normal University)
  13. Shenyang Center (Ecology, Shenyang University of Science and Technology)
  14. Tianjin Center for Social Responsibility in Business (Tianjin University of Commerce)
  15. Soochow Center for Social Responsibility in Business (Soochow University)
  16. Beijing Center for Science and Faith (Beijing Normal University)
  17. Wuhan Center for Science and Spirituality (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
  18. Shanghai Process Center (East China University of Science and Technology)
  19. Harbin Center for Process Education (Harbin Normal University)
  20. Shanxi Center for Postmodern Thinking and Social Development (Shanxi University)
  21. Center for Constructive Postmodern Studies (Harbin Institute of Technology)
  22. Hebei Center for Postmodern Philosophy (Hebei University of Industry)
  23. Xuzhou Center for Process Studies (Jiangsu Normal University)
  24. Nanjing Center for Constructive Postmodern Studies (Southeast University)
  25. Guangzhou Center for Center for Process Philosophy and System Management Studies (South China Normal University, Guangzhou)
  26. Guangdong Center for Process Moral Education, Guangdong Academy of National Basic Education Development and Research (Guangzhou)
  27. Hengshui Center for Constructive Postmodern Ecological Agriculture (Hengshui, Hebei Province)
  28. Center for Process Marxism and Practical Philosophy, China University of Law and Politics (Beijing)
  29. Anji Constructive Postmodern Eco-Village (Anji, Zhejiang Province)
  30. Hebei Center for Organic Marxism (Hebei Normal University)
  31. Taiyan Center for Organic Marxism and Ethics of Science and Technology (Taiyuan University of Technology, Shanxi)
  32. Neijiang Sino-US Postmodern Psychology Center (Neijiang Normal College, Neijiang, Sichuan)
  33. Guangdong Center for Constructive Postmodern Philosophy and Socially Responsible Business (Guangdong Finance University)
  34. Henan Center for Constructive Postmodern and Ecological Studies (Huanghe University of Science and Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan)
  35. Hong Kong Center for Postmodern Ecological Civilization (New Asia College, Hong Kong)
  36. Zhuhai Center for Promoting Ecological Development (Zhuhai College of Beijing Institute of Technology, Zhuhai, Guangdong)