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Call for Papers: SSPP at APA-Pacific

Center for Process Studies

The APA Pacific Executive Committee has invited the Society for the Study of Process Philosophies (Pacific) to participate, as an affiliated group, in the program of its next annual meeting, April 17-20, 2019 in Vancouver, BC at the Westin Bayshore hotel.

This call is for papers addressing histories and canons of process philosophy: Broad or narrow? Core and periphery? Western or East/West? A single canon, or canons for process philosophy (naturalist and non-naturalist), theology, environmental philosophy, and interdisciplinary work? Overlap with other canons (panpsychist, neoplatonist, etc.)? What diversity issues are outstanding? Candidates for inclusion or exclusion, and their relations, might be discussed in terms of precedents: Philosophers of Process (Browning, Myers), Process Philosophy (Sibley/Gunter), Genesis of Modern Process Thought (Lucas), Process Metaphysics (Rescher), Process Theories (Seibt), Process Pragmatism (Debrock), Thinking with Whitehead and the American Pragmatists, Process and Difference (Keller/Daniell), Process and Analysis (Shields), Expanding Process (Berthrong), ‘Process Philosophy’ (Stanford and Internet Encyclopedias, Wikipedia), Center for Process Studies website thematic bibliography (

Everyone on the program must register for the conference. Past noncompliance means that APA may start charging affiliated groups for registrations—as they now are charging for data projectors. Lacking a budget, no projector will be ordered; so handouts will be useful.

Each presentation will be 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion. For submission of a 250-word abstract and 2000 word paper, the deadline is October 1, 2018.

Submissions will be sent to referees, so please eliminate self-identifying references. Please accompany your paper with a separate page containing author’s name(s), paper title (where appropriate) in Title Case, affiliation (and state/province or country of affiliation), email, and postal address. Accepted submissions will be announced by the end of October.

Please send submissions to John Quiring and Jea Sophia Oh, c/o Center for Process Studies, 1325 N. College, Ave., Claremont, CA 91711 or at or