The Journal of Consciousness Studies plans to publish a special issue to mark the fortieth anniversary of David Bohm’s Wholeness and the Implicate Order.
Bohm’s position remains problematic. While his contributions to quantum physics were highly regarded, his proposal of an implicate order was not.
But developments in science and philosophy since the publication of Bohm’s book make his work seem more prescient than marginal. Moreover, his search for wholeness through dialogue between scientific and spiritual traditions has meant that his influence has been felt far more widely than that of most scientists.
Papers are invited on any aspect of the work and life of this remarkable man. If you wish to contribute one, please email a brief abstract to the address below.
The deadline for full submissions will be early 2025.
Dr. John Pickering, Guest Editor.
Psychology Department, Warwick University, UK.
John Pickering works at Warwick University in the UK, where he lectures on psychology, philosophy and environmental issues. He has degrees from Edinburgh and Sussex universities in the UK and completed postdoctoral fellowships in the US, at Rochester and Stanford. His principal research interests are consciousness, process thought, ecological psychology and biosemiotics.