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Call for Proposals – Student and Youth Submissions for W12 Congress

The escalating water crisis is occurring globally and is increasingly affecting cities and city governments in particular. This crisis of water and climate change requires responses and actions that are innovative, creative and new. The W12 Congress is focused on finding solutions at the city level. We provide opportunities for youth and students to envision and begin to implement new realities and structures.

The W12 poster session in Cape Town on January 29 and 30, 2020 is an opportunity to showcase projects, research, social enterprise, activism, or other creative solutions to the water and climate change crisis. The poster sessions will reflect the dynamic make-up of the global W12 Congress. They are open to registered students as well as youth entrepreneurs, activists, and other voices of the future.

To apply, please submit an 800-word (maximum) abstract describing your poster’s topic and content to by November 15, 2019. Judges will announce the semifinalists in November and finalists in January. The top submissions have the opportunity to win financial prizes to support their work.


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