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New Book on Krause

Benedikt Paul Göcke (Oxford University/ Bochum University) has published a new book on Karl Christian Friedrich Krause’s panentheism entitled “The Panentheism of Karl Christian Friedrich Krause (1781-1832). From Transcendental Philosophy to Metaphysics.” The book provides the first analysis of Karl Christian Friedrich Krause’s system of philosophy and his panentheism in English. Krause has bequeathed to us a system of philosophy which is little recognized in contemporary philosophy. This is both surprising and unfortunate, because Krause’s philosophical system has much to offer: Through transcendental reflection on the nature of the human, Krause understands God as one infinite and unconditioned reality, and the ultimate necessary condition of knowledge. God makes humanity, nature, and reason ultimately comprehensible as the essential categories of the divine Essence. God is thus the single, primary, object of science that is already logically presupposed even before His discovery. Science presupposes theology, and theology is best read as panentheism.


 The book is available open-access on the website of the publisher: