Book series: European Studies in Process Thought

Many life scientists implicitly assume a materialistic metaphysics that is based on the worldview of the 19th century. This sort of reductionistic metaphysics does not do justice to the complexity of biological phenomena, leaving many features of living processes unexplained. The authors of this book explore the viability of process…

Today, digitalization and the results of research in the fields of artificial intelligence and biology are rapidly interfusing our knowledge societies, meaning that each individual will have to cope with this new and challenging situation. Nearly a century ago, Alfred North Whitehead predicted this accelerating process: “Modern science has imposed…

This collection of essays written by leading Whitehead scholars bridges two important philosophical movements in Western philosophy separated by many centuries: Neo-Platonism and Process Philosophy. It focuses on a variety of topics, which can be found in both theories, including creativity, temporality, holism, potentiality, causality, evolution, organism, and multiplicities. They…

This book collects several essays on diverse aspects of Alfred North Whiteheads philosophy. Ranging from comparative and historical studies to explorations of contemporary influence to possibilities for transforming future inquiry, the topics covered here first and foremost point to the relevance of Whiteheads philosophy for our time. From this core,…

The relationship of mind to matter, and the very understanding of mind and matter still eludes understanding, even after millennia of philosophical work and centuries of scientific reflection. The present volume shows how process philosophy helps us in conceptualizing such problems. The reader will find twelve chapters—written by prominent specialists…

The basic aims of contemporary thinking in education are to cultivate a proper comprehension of the meaning and purpose of education and the role of the teacher, and to develop adequate theoretical and methodological frameworks that combine some of the positive sides of the leading theories, while avoiding their disadvantages.…

Process thought is an important component of contemporary philosophy. Alfred North Whitehead’s organic philosophy has a special place in the landscape of process thinking, being detailed, precise and well-thought, and at the same time extremely visionary and far-reaching. The global community of process thinkers includes physicists, biologists, doctors, political scientists,…

This volume brings together the proceedings of the “European Summer School for Process Thought”, which took place in Mülheim, Germany, in August 2012. It explores Alfred North Whitehead’s thinking in different fields of science, connecting his philosophical writings with physics, religion, education, psychology and aesthetics. The first part of the…

One of the most important characteristics of present day ontological research is the growing interest in, and emphasis on, the dynamic aspects of being and the process-relational character of being itself. However, many important questions still await detailed answers. For example, what is the meaning of the concepts of “dynamics,”…