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Jared Morningstar

The Center for Process Studies blog is accepting submissions!

The Center for Process Studies Blog is Accepting Submissions!

Do you have an idea for an article engaging various streams of process thinking or dealing with some of the major topic areas of Center for Process Studies (ecological civilization, deep religious pluralism, religion & science, philosophy of psychedelics, cosmology, transdisciplinary research, etc.)? We’d love to hear your proposals! 

Exploring the Problems & Promises of an Islamic Process Theology by Jared Morningstar

Exploring the Problems & Promises of an Islamic Process Theology

I believe Muslim process theologians will retain a notion of Divine omnipotence, contra many of their Christian and Jewish colleagues. But, this will be a necessary move if their theology is to be taken at all seriously amongst both the religious authorities and the common believers. Despite the marked pluralism of theological (and legal) orthodoxy within the Islam, the understanding of God’s omnipotence is so central to basic Qur’anic theology that outright denial of this feature of God is tantamount to disbelief. However, this doctrine will not be without qualification for the Islamic process theologian.

Conference Retrospect: Thinking Teleology with Alfred North Whitehead & Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Last month, the Center for Process Studies and the Center for Christogenesis collaborated to put on a conference exploring the intersections of the work of process philosopher Alfred North Whitehead and noospheric thinker Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The conference, featuring fifteen premiere scholars with expertise in Whitehead, Teilhard or both, sought to uncover points of contact and contrast between these two relational, evolutionary thinkers.

Call for Papers | Muhammad Iqbal: The Relevance of a Legacy

This Symposium aims at bringing together a number of junior and senior scholars from different regions and research institutions worldwide to discuss Iqbal’s legacy, its relevance to current issues in philosophic theology. The symposium will kick off first as an online event, to take place on Friday-Saturday 09-10 February 2023.