Tag: Alfred North Whitehead

The Center for Process Studies (CPS) library and archives, the world’s largest collection of materials on process thought, has found a new home at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC)! The materials, including notable collections like the Whitehead papers and John Cobb's library, are being sorted, preserved, and integrated with SIUC’s…
My trip to Harvard for the Center for Process Studies conference celebrating 100 years of process thought gave me occasion to reflect not only on Whitehead’s legacy, but on his resonances with Emerson and their shared vision of philosophical education.…
Do you have an idea for an article engaging various streams of process thinking or dealing with some of the major topic areas of Center for Process Studies (ecological civilization, deep religious pluralism, religion & science, philosophy of psychedelics, cosmology, transdisciplinary research, etc.)? We'd love to hear your proposals!…
The intention behind the organization of this conference is to give scholars interested in the idealist aspects of Whitehead’s philosophy the opportunity to discuss and assess the relevance of the various strands of the idealist tradition to Whitehead’s metaphysics and to process metaphysics generally, as well as the relevance of…
Veronika Krajíčková is working on a proposal for the book Understanding Whitehead, Understanding Modernism which would be published under the Bloomsbury series Understanding Philosophy, Understanding Modernism. If you are working in the field of Whitehead and art/aesthetics/literature with the focus on modernism and you might be interested in contributing to…
Drops and Buds, an electronic journal dedicated to the exploration and application of Stanislav and Christina Grof's work, transpersonal breathwork, and the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, is currently accepting submissions.…
Last month, the Center for Process Studies and the Center for Christogenesis collaborated to put on a conference exploring the intersections of the work of process philosopher Alfred North Whitehead and noospheric thinker Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The conference, featuring fifteen premiere scholars with expertise in Whitehead, Teilhard or both,…
In Processing Reality: Finding Meaning in Death, Psychedelics, and Sobriety, John Buchanan details his search for a paradigm capable of integrating the diverse kinds of data arising out of the scientific endeavor, our philosophical heritage, and insights from extraordinary experience, as well as recognizing fully the value and importance of…