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Living Earth Co-Creative

Living Earth Co-Creative

Eco-Education for an Ecological Civilization

Living Earth Co-Creative is an eco-education community cultivating interest in ecological civilization and living earth philosophy by bringing together collective wisdom from many cultures. Through eco-literacy and project-based learning programs, we encourage students and educators to envision an ecological civilization and bring it into reality through lived learning. Our offerings promote intergenerational and cross-cultural collaboration, ecological awareness, holistic learning, peace-building, and global citizenship for a bright future. Amid the metacrisis of ecological, economic, and social upheaval, we are creating hope and bringing the future forward by growing global participation in the commitment to ecological civilization.

Our team is nested within the Center for Process Studies and nurtured by the process-relational thought community initiated by John B. Cobb, Jr. (1925-2024). John was a visionary thinker, a pioneer in process philosophy and theology, and a lifelong advocate for ecological civilization. His work inspired countless individuals and communities worldwide shaping the way we understand our relationship with each other and the Earth. Our work is a part of his legacy, continuing his ongoing work toward a future that reflects the ideals of interconnectedness, care, compassion, and hope. His ideas and teachings will continue to guide and inspire us as we carry forward his vision of an ecological civilization.

The Living Earth Eco-Innovation Challenge

Explore Eco-Innovation

Explore the wonders of eco-innovation, build design skills, and cultivate global friendships while rising to the challenges of our times! This is a call to youth across the globe, inviting you into a learning journey inspired by the interdependence, beauty, and creativity of the Living Earth.

Bio-intelligent design and eco-entrepreneurialism is a rapidly growing field around the world as science, business, and culture face the impacts of climate change. Now more than ever, eco-philosophy is a guiding light, uniting all peoples and the more-than-human world in eco-innovation for a bright future. 

For students ages 14-25. The Living Earth Eco-Innovation Challenge welcomes a variety of arts and innovation STEAM projects and academic papers, encouraging holistic, earth-friendly, and life-affirming eco-projects with local and global action to better planet, society, and humanity.

This program can be integrated into a class for eco-education, run as a school club, or used by individuals. This year’s new expanded program is a pilot project of our intergenerational design, bringing together young visionaries with global eco-innovators. 

This program is available in English and Mandarin Chinese.

Become Co-Creators of Our Future World

Young visionaries are invited to dream, create, and illuminate a path to a bright future by developing eco-projects that are based on the principles of ecological civilization and living earth philosophy. Central to this program is the concept of holistic ecology, which expresses the traditional wisdom of world traditions, reflecting a convergent view where the harmony between humanity and nature is revered, the interconnectedness of all beings is affirmed, and the living life of the earth is acknowledged.

A Learning Journey

Through a creative journey, young participants are guided to see ecology not merely as environmental stewardship but as a civilization shift—a way of life that honors Earth’s resilience, diversity, and beauty. They are encouraged to blend personal gifts with shared wisdom, applying creativity, culture, design, and technology in ways that support collective well-being. Gathering the resources and insights of global thought leaders, this program cultivates an “eco-innovation” that moves from ego to eco—from self-centered pursuits to a deep, embodied understanding of interconnection. 

Living Earth Awards

Young visionaries of the Living Earth Eco-Innovation Challenge create a formal presentation of their eco-project for the Youth Forum at the International Forum for Ecological Civilization, the first and most influential international gathering for ecological civilization held in the United States since 2006. Three rounds of presentations online and at the Youth EcoForum determine nominations and awards based on competency rather than competition. These prestigious awards are judged by leading eco-innovators from around the world.

Learn more about the Youth Forum at the International Forum for Ecological Civilization HERE

Cross-Cultural, Intergenerational Co-Creation

Living Earth Co-Creative offers community-centered learning and mentorship to guide participants in integrating ecological thinking, Living Earth philosophy, and the principles of ecological civilization into their projects and presentations. This structure encourages youth to value the process as much as the outcome, nurturing dynamic relationships that enrich lifelong learning and collaboration. Through exposure to global perspectives, a deepened eco-consciousness, and values rooted in harmony and peace, students are able to meet complex challenges with resilience and vision. For those who participate, this program offers not just an award and prestigious recognition, but a journey into the heart of ecological civilization and Living Earth philosophy—a journey to restore our world and reimagine our place within the web of life.

Support a New Generation of Eco-Innovators

Give today to support the Living Earth Eco-Innovation Challenge, the Youth Forum, and Youth Awards!

Join Us


Become Co-Creators of Our Future World

Join the Living Earth Eco-Innovation Challenge and present at the Living Earth Awards

Ages 14-25, gap year students encourages

Participate as individuals and teams

Join online project support meetings with students from around the world


Facilitate Young Visionaries

Explore Living Earth philosophy and the vision of Ecological Civilization

Integrate this program into a class for eco-education

Create a Club or Chapter of the Living Earth Eco-Innovation Challenge 


Grow the Global Commitment to Ecological Civilization

Join the Living Earth Co-Creative online community, hosted by Regen Collective here

Meet the Living Earth Co-Creative team here

Choose Your Level

Living Earth Eco-Innovation Challenge and Awards offers three tiers of participation to support a diversity of students. Choose which level is the best match for your eco-education experience.

    • Registered participants receive project development materials and gain access to online project support meetings for guidance and incentives.
    • Students who meet the eco-project criteria can receive a certificate of participation.
    • Students create a formal presentation of their eco-project for the Living Earth Awards.
    • Three rounds of presentations based on competency rather than competition determine levels of nominations and awards.
    • Finalists are eligible to present at the annual Youth EcoForum at the International Forum for Ecological Civilization.
    • All participants receive discount admission to the EcoForum. Come meet with fellow students and eco-innovators from around the world!

Project Timeline

  1. Registration: Join the online community and learn more about the vision of Ecological Civilization and Living Earth philosophy.
  2. Project Design: Choose your project focus by creating a guiding inquiry and begin your research into eco-innovation.
  3. Meet with Eco-mentors: Join online project support meetings to meet with fellow students and eco-innovators from around the world.
  4. Practice Presentations: Gather feedback from your mentors and peers to polish your eco-project and presentation.
  5. Award Nominations: Three rounds of presentations based on competency rather than competition.
  6. Attend the Youth EcoForum: Finalist presentations. Meet with fellow students and eco-innovators from around the world!


Register to Participate and Receive…

Living Earth Eco-Innovation Project Development Guide including

Eco-project Criteria

Steps in Project Development

Presentation Guidelines

Eco-Education Materials

Guide to Project-Based Learning and Design Thinking

An Introduction to the Principles on Ecological Civilization and Living Earth Philosophy

Introduction to the Principles of Ecological Civilization and Living Earth Philosophy

Online Project Support Meetings

Join the Living Earth Co-Creative team and meet with leading eco-innovators from around the world!

First and Third week of the month

Fridays 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern / Saturdays 9am China

Second and Fourth week of the month

Saturdays 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern / Sundays 9am China

*Times subject to change

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