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17th International Forum on Ecological Civilization Conference Retrospect

John Cobb delivered a plenary speech which set the tone for the EcoForum. After reviewing the development of the concept of Ecological Civilization, which was presented as a vital concern for both China and USA, Professor Cobb dedicated this 17th EcoForum—and the first to convene in-person since the pandemic—as an occasion to launch an energetic new trans-Pacific dialogue between these two great nations.

CALL FOR PAPERS - Whitehead and Idealism

Call for Papers | Whitehead and Idealism

The intention behind the organization of this conference is to give scholars interested in the idealist aspects of Whitehead’s philosophy the opportunity to discuss and assess the relevance of the various strands of the idealist tradition to Whitehead’s metaphysics and to process metaphysics generally, as well as the relevance of process-relational philosophy to present day anti-materialist explorations in general metaphysics and philosophy of mind.

Conference Retrospect: Thinking Teleology with Alfred North Whitehead & Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Last month, the Center for Process Studies and the Center for Christogenesis collaborated to put on a conference exploring the intersections of the work of process philosopher Alfred North Whitehead and noospheric thinker Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The conference, featuring fifteen premiere scholars with expertise in Whitehead, Teilhard or both, sought to uncover points of contact and contrast between these two relational, evolutionary thinkers.

Call for Papers | Muhammad Iqbal: The Relevance of a Legacy

This Symposium aims at bringing together a number of junior and senior scholars from different regions and research institutions worldwide to discuss Iqbal’s legacy, its relevance to current issues in philosophic theology. The symposium will kick off first as an online event, to take place on Friday-Saturday 09-10 February 2023.

Insights from 16th Claremont International Forum on Ecological Civilization

The world renown Dr. John B. Cobb Jr. addressed the participants of the 16th Claremont International Forum on Ecological Civilization and 5th International Youth Forum on Ecological Civilization in the opening remarks. He pointed out that “today, there is no topic that is more important than ecological civilization!” Indeed, the present situation of ecological civilization is a pressing and urgent issue for all of humanity as a part of the global community.

The 50th Anniversary Conference of the Center for Process Studies | Conference Retrospect

Featuring 36 presentations and 12 moderated panel discussions, the event aimed to not only celebrate the past, but also look to the future in the context of a new generation of process thinkers, those whose work and influence are forging the next 50 years. The conference gathered a truly eclectic group of young scholars and seasoned moderators from multiple continents and with distinctive expertise and research trajectories. It was deliberately structured in order to capture the profound interdisciplinary nature of process thought and its relevance to multiple domains of thought and practice.