Author: waschwartz

In Processing Reality: Finding Meaning in Death, Psychedelics, and Sobriety, John Buchanan details his search for a paradigm capable of integrating the diverse kinds of data arising out of the scientific endeavor, our philosophical heritage, and insights from extraordinary experience, as well as recognizing fully the value and importance of…
The 22nd annual Common Good Film Festival has come to a close! From February 17-20, we showed a diverse array of ten feature films and five short films that took us from Korea to Israel to Canada and everywhere in between. In our first year hosting the festival at the…
Featuring 36 presentations and 12 moderated panel discussions, the event aimed to not only celebrate the past, but also look to the future in the context of a new generation of process thinkers, those whose work and influence are forging the next 50 years. The conference gathered a truly eclectic…
December 30, 2022, a special memorial service for the late world known constructive postmodern thinker Dr. David Griffin was held online by the Institute for Postmodern Development of China (IPDC) and the Center for Process Studies (CPS). The event was gathered with scholars and thinkers from China and the US…
On January 6, 2023, the 2nd Sharing From the Heart - Living Earth Youth Dialogues was held successfully via Zoom Meeting. More than 100 people from China and the United States participated the dialogue, during which American youth Alexi Caracotsios shared his observations and insights on the long-standing "pandemic" in…
EcoCiv Korea had its 6th annual conference in South Korea on Nov 18, 2022 (PST). EcoCiv Korea launched "A Decade to Make a Difference" a series of conferences last year, and the 2nd year of the series continued to discuss the urgent need of attention to ecological issues. The main…

Edited by A. Giacone and L. Vanzago Is it possible to assume an unexplored theoretical continuity – a sort of common intent – between the philosophies of Hegel and Whitehead? If one focuses on the notion of process, crucial for both, it may be helpful and even stimulating to make…