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Memorial for Lewis Ford

Lewis Ford, co-founder of Process Studies, passed away on Sunday, October 14, after an extended illness.

He is survived by his wife Anne, and his two daughters Rachel and Stephanie.

Lewis was the Founding editor of Process Studies and served in that position from 1971-95. During and after that time he wrote many articles for the journal. He is the author of books on process thought and two in particular have left a lasting imprint on the field: The Emergence of Whitehead’s Metaphysics, 1925-29 and Transforming Process Theism.

A memorial service will take place in at West Raleigh Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, North Carolina, this Sunday, October 28, at 3:00 pm.

Herman Greene ( will deliver a eulogy for Lewis on behalf of the process community. Please consider sending him a short tribute to Lewis that he may use in the eulogy.

If you wish to send a note to Lewis’s wife Anne, you may contact her for her address.