indigo: the color of grief
- By Jonathan Foster
- December 5, 2023
- SacraSage Press
indigo is the
joy and lament of a
human being
fashioning new ideas about the divine
within the painful
loss of his daughter
within the constraints of his own intelligence
within the constraints of what religion
had been telling him his whole life
some of which was good and
some of which wasn’t
it’s a way forward
where forward means the
interaction of
past events
and personal agency
in this moment
and this moment
and … yes, this moment
it’s the hope
on the underside of grief
like the pilot fish
with the shark
around the whale
within a section of ocean
an ecosystem of
depth and light
and slow-motion shadows
oceanographic poetry
that breaks the surface from
time to time
that breaks one’s heart from
time to time
indigo is
the color of grief
for its gradation of
sapphires and violets
descending into violence
or ascending into lightness
the beauty of which is found
in both extremes
the divine infused within the whole
the hole infused within the divine
read it for cursing
for weeping
for laughing
read it for mourning
read it
for the
is on fire