Tag: process theology

The Center for Process Studies and the UCI Program in Religious Studies are excited to announce the winners of the 2024 - 2025 Process Studies & South Asia Fellowship! Applications for the Fellowship were so excellent that we have chosen two fellows: Pragya Jain and Daniel Siakel! Read the post…

At the heart of process-relational theology in the tradition of Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) and Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) is the rejection of coercive omnipotence and the embrace of divine persuasion as the patient and uncontrolling means by which God works with a truly self-creative world. According to Whitehead, Plato’s conviction…

The University of California, Irvine (UCI) Program in Religious Studies supports promising PhD students or recent graduates (within 1 year of graduating with PhD and in an teaching or independent research position of some kind) to pursue targeted scholarship in Process-relational philosophy in substantive dialog with any aspect of South…
Featuring 36 presentations and 12 moderated panel discussions, the event aimed to not only celebrate the past, but also look to the future in the context of a new generation of process thinkers, those whose work and influence are forging the next 50 years. The conference gathered a truly eclectic…