This moving faith odyssey chronicles one man’s journey from Christian fundamentalism to the form of progressive Christianity known as process theology. Macallan, a church leader and professor of theology, shares his shock at being diagnosed with cancer, and how that shock challenged him to confront his beliefs about God and…
This book is the result of a spiritual practice of reading the Psalms, adopted by the author in the early days of the pandemic—a practice that went from Psalm 1 to Psalm 150 and then started all over again, and again, and again. Psalm reading deepened into psalm study, enriched…
For 50 years, John B. Cobb, Jr. has been teaching readers that theology is not confined to biblical and doctrinal exegesis but rightly includes economics, politics, education, and science. His prophetic warnings about climate change date back to the early 1970s; his critiques of higher education and American foreign policy…
Where do we find meaning and value in our lives? Do we really need to choose between a religion that asks us to believe incredible things and a secularity that asks us to relativize value? This book takes readers on a quest, a thought-journey in search of a faith that…
Back in print! This small gem, unavailable for years, has now been republished by Process Century Press and is ready for a new generation of readers. In a series of reflections, the authors create a rhythm that begins with Cobb on process theology, moves to Epperly on personal spirituality, onward…
Life after death? It’s a question that theologians, scientists, and philosophers have tried for centuries to answer one way or the other. One side appeals to divine revelation, the other side relies on mind-body dualism and limits what counts as evidence by denying the full range of human experience. Now,…
The new physics, beginning in the early twentieth century, caused a rupture in the longstanding mechanistic paradigm of Descartes and Newton, opening up novel paths of discovery and new possibilities for deeper, organic ways of knowing and living. The emergence of Alfred North Whitehead’s “philosophy of organism” was contemporary to…
Science and everyday experience increasingly demonstrate that ours is a dynamic, interconnected, relational universe. It was the great insight of Alfred North Whitehead that we need a philosophy to match this understanding. That he succeeded in this is hampered by the complexity of his ideas and the words he used…
The authors of these essays examine core dimensions of the human condition in light of biophilosophy and process metaphysics, which they apply to such core anthropological issues as the survival of both the human species and the biosphere as a whole. With a general focus on the unique capacity for…
What would Jesus do? This is an old question that Christians of each successive generation have had to pose anew if they want to be faithful disciples. In other words, what does it mean to be a follower of Jesus today? A simple answer that has served Christians for centuries…
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