Book series: Process Century Press
Charles Hartshorne is the only major philosopher to have lived in three centuries. Now, for the first time, here is one volume that encompasses Hartshorne’s entire life and career, ranging from ornithology to psychology, from aesthetics to philosophical theology, and from analytic philosophy and logic to physics. Charles Hartshorne is…
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- Donald Wayne Viney and George W. Shields
- Process Century Press
The present trajectory of life on this planet is unsustainable, and the underlying causes of our environmental crisis are inseparable from our social and economic systems. The massive inequality between the rich and the poor is not separate from our systems of unlimited growth, the depletion of natural resources, the…
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- Philip Clayton and Wm. Andrew Schwartz
- Process Century Press
Process Century Press is pleased to support the publication of a new translation of this classic book of Chinese wisdom. A project years in the making, this translation is a constructive step in the overall process of bringing the wisdom-metaphors of this ancient tradition into the modern world, for interpretation…
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- Hank Keeton and Yu Fu
- Process Century Press
Change your thinking; change the world. Philosophy has gotten a bad rap. As an academic discipline, it is mocked as irrelevant to modern society. But bias against philosophy doesn’t mean we don’t have one. We all have a basic worldview. This is as true for whole civilizations as for individuals,…
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- John B. Cobb Jr. and Wm. Andrew Schwartz (editors)
- Process Century Press
Why process theology? Why now? In these eight essays, David Ray Griffin not only illuminates key ideas of process theology but offers compelling arguments for their importance in addressing the urgent issues of our time. Available for the first time in one place, these essays are the summation of a…
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- David Ray Griffin
- Process Century Press
We need to move from individualism and consumerism to simplicity of life and a sense of the common good. We need a worldview that inspires transformed spiritual practices as well as personal and community commitments to justice and ecological healing. We need to align ourselves with God’s vision of planetary…
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- Bruce Epperly
- Process Century Press
As the world increasingly grapples with the consequences of global warming and its resulting climate changes, the urgency of the crisis has become inescapable, despite continuing corporate-led efforts at fomenting doubt and denial. Then in June 2015 there occurred a powerful intervention into the discussion by Pope Francis. His encyclical,…
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- David Ray Griffin
- Process Century Press
Despite the many revolutions in science and philosophy since Newton and Hume, the outdated idea of an inevitable war between the abstractions of science and the deep intuitions of humankind is reconfirmed, again and again. The history of science is interpreted and presented as a succession of victories over the…
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- Ronny Desmet
- Process Century Press
“God” has been the most embattled idea in the modern world. The lives of many people revolve around God; without God, they believe, life would be unbearable. Others regard the idea of God as the worst, most destructive, idea ever invented. The one group finds the evidence for God overwhelming;…
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- David Ray Griffin
- Process Century Press
The interplay of two streams of thought form the basis for this philosophical essay. One revisits James’ radical empiricism and generalizes it to politics; the other endeavors to think the current global systemic crisis as the last burst of international capitalism. Weber uses Marx and Whitehead to argue that Marx’s…
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- Michel Weber
- Process Century Press