Category: Uncategorized

The microbiome is a vital part of life on Earth. Modern science has shown that the microbiome is involved in almost all aspects of human functioning, including human behavior. But how does the microbiome influence how we think about God as well as how God may interact with us? In…

The last century witnessed an explosion of theologies born out of the conviction that the science of evolution can and must contribute to our understandings of God, humanity, technology, suffering, sin, and the natural world. Even today, a sense of development continues to shape contemporary understandings of not only our…

Transdisciplinary insights at the intersection of religion, democracy, ecology, and economy What is the relationship of religion to economy, ecology, and democracy? In our fraught moment, what critical questions of religion may help to assembly democratic processes, ecosystems, and economic structures differently? What possible futures might emerge from transdisciplinary work…

How does science fiction imagine forms of life that are plausible, and yet different from anything that we already know? Fluid Futures is about how science fiction imagines an open future. Science fiction does not claim to predict what will actually happen in times to come. But it offers pictures…

At the heart of process-relational theology in the tradition of Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947) and Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000) is the rejection of coercive omnipotence and the embrace of divine persuasion as the patient and uncontrolling means by which God works with a truly self-creative world. According to Whitehead, Plato’s conviction…

Greening Philosophy of Religion: Process, Ecology, and Ethics develops fruitful avenues for the theory and practice of greening philosophy of religion. Collected with a pluralistic conception of both philosophy and religion, the chapters in this volume address pressing and timely issues that involve imagining ecological democracy as an ideal horizon…

After four decades of reform and development, China is confronting a domestic waste crisis. As the world’s largest waste-generating nation, the World Economic Forum projects that by 2030, the volume of household waste in China will be double that of the United States. Starting in the early 2000s, Chinese policymakers…

There is growing consensus that life on the planet is in peril if climate change continues at its current pace. At stake is not only the future of many species but of humanity itself. As an increasing number of ecological economists have emphasized, these problems will only be adequately addressed…

Bill Ross demonstrates the relation between Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy of difference and the conceptual foundations of contemporary physics through careful engagements with the theory of relativity, quantum physics and chaos and complexity theory. Ross shows that recent work in cosmology by figures such as Lee Smolin and David Bohm calls…

In this first volume of his book series The Evolution of Meaning, Dempsey introduces a theory of meaning based in thermodynamics and information processing. If the acquisition of meaningful information is what allows entities to keep far from equilibrium, we can appreciate cosmic complexification through evolution as a learning process.…