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Tag: Ecological Civilization

Transdisciplinary insights at the intersection of religion, democracy, ecology, and economy What is the relationship of religion to economy, ecology, and democracy? In our fraught moment, what critical questions of religion may help to assembly democratic processes, ecosystems, and economic structures differently? What possible futures might emerge from transdisciplinary work…

Greening Philosophy of Religion: Process, Ecology, and Ethics develops fruitful avenues for the theory and practice of greening philosophy of religion. Collected with a pluralistic conception of both philosophy and religion, the chapters in this volume address pressing and timely issues that involve imagining ecological democracy as an ideal horizon…

After four decades of reform and development, China is confronting a domestic waste crisis. As the world’s largest waste-generating nation, the World Economic Forum projects that by 2030, the volume of household waste in China will be double that of the United States. Starting in the early 2000s, Chinese policymakers…

John Cobb delivered a plenary speech which set the tone for the EcoForum. After reviewing the development of the concept of Ecological Civilization, which was presented as a vital concern for both China and USA, Professor Cobb dedicated this 17th EcoForum—and the first to convene in-person since the pandemic—as an…

There is growing consensus that life on the planet is in peril if climate change continues at its current pace. At stake is not only the future of many species but of humanity itself. As an increasing number of ecological economists have emphasized, these problems will only be adequately addressed…

The 17th International Forum on Ecological Civilization and 6th International Youth Forum on Ecological Civilization are seeking papers. Please submit a 500-word abstract in English outlining your ideas. The deadline for abstract submission is May 10th, 2024.…

The age of denial is over, we are told. Yet emissions continue to rise while gimmicks, graft, and green- washing distract the public from the climate violence suffered by the vulnerable. This timely, interdisciplinary contribution to the environmental humanities draws on the latest climatology, the first shoots of an energy…

I am 98, and for that age, my faculties are quite good. While I still can, I am reviewing my “legacy.” It is mixed up with the legacies of many others in the process movement. I rejoice not only that all of the process organizations are engaged in important activities…