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Call for Papers | Current Topics in Analytic Philosophy of Religion

Call for Papers of the Italian and international journal “Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia della Religione” (NGFR - New Journal of Philosophy of Religion) n. 6 (2026):
We are pleased to announce the new Call for Papers of the Italian and international journal “Nuovo Giornale di Filosofia della Religione” (NGFR – New Journal of Philosophy of Religion) n. 6 (2026):


The birth of the Analytic Philosophy of Religion can conventionally be traced back to 1955, the publication date of “New Essays on Philosophical Theology”, edited by Anthony Flew and Alasdair MacIntyre. However, the neo-positivist epistemological criteria adopted by this approach soon entered into crisis, and philosophy of religion, whose very existence was questioned, experienced a new season. Following certain turning points that characterised Analytic Philosophy itself, the 1960s saw a study of the ontological argument; then the philosophy of religion experienced in the 1970s a linguistic turn and, subsequently, in the 1990s, an epistemological turn. The ontological and metaphysical discussions, the importance of realism and a new sensitivity towards the history of philosophy (e.g. the questioning of modern attempts to undermine any project of philosophical theology and the rise of Analytic Thomism) have contributed, finally, to a rebirth of philosophical reflection on theism. The public role of religions in the new cultural context of the 21st century and a growing interest in different religious traditions have further broadened the topics considered by analytic philosophers of religion. These circumstances have created an extremely diverse landscape, with the risk of excessive fragmentation. Mapping the current situation urgently raises certain questions: what are the main fields of Analytic Philosophy of Religion? What do they deal with? Which authors do they refer to?

NGFR invites submissions of papers that explore issues within any of the following eight sub-themes. 

Theme 1

Theoretical proposals on the classical themes of the Analytic Philosophy of Religion (e.g. Existence of God, Divine Attributes, Problem of Evil, Trinity, Incarnation, or any other aspect of Philosophical Theology).

Theme 2

Historical essays on the status quaestionis regarding the themes mentioned in Theme 1. that critically reconstruct the current debate.

Theme 3

Epistemological status of the Analytic Philosophy of Religion, its method, its characteristics, its perspectives.

Theme 4

Relationship between Medieval philosophy and Analytic Philosophy of Religion.

Theme 5

Analytic interpretations of classical authors (ancient, medieval, modern) in relation to the topics of Theme 1.

Theme 6

Discussion about contemporary authors’ thesis in Analytic Philosophy of Religion.

Theme 7

Relationship between religion and the natural sciences, including neuroscience.

Theme 8

Analytic approaches to interreligious dialogue (e.g. epistemology of disagreement, inclusivism, exclusivism).

How to Submit:

Articles can be written in Italian, English, French, Spanish or German and can not exceed 50,000 characters including footnotes and spaces (a length between 30,000 and 40,000 characters is suggested).

Before submission, authors should carefully read over the Instruction for Authors, available here. Editorial norms translated into English can be requested by emailing the two editors of the volume.

Deadline for submission: 15 November 2025

The papers can be submitted only by email, sending them to both of the following email addresses:

The email subject must be: “article for the cfp on Current Topics”

All manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer-review process. The journal publishes its articles on-line in Open Access. More info about the journal can be found here.

Damiano Migliorini

Damiano Migliorini holds a PhD from the University of Verona, Italy and an National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) in Theoretical Philosophy. Dr. Migliorini is currently affiliated to the University of Urbino, Italy as an expert in Philosophy of Religion. He graduated in Philosophical Sciences at University of Padua and in Religious Sciences at ISSR of Padua. Dr. Migliorini has been a Research Visiting Student at Oxford University in 2016 and at University of Durham in 2017-2018. He is the author of L’amore omosessuale (2014 co-edited with B. Brogliato), Gender, Filosofie, Teologie (2018), Relations. Ontology and Philosophy of Religion (2018, co-edited with D. Bertini), Ontologie relazionali e metafisica trinitaria (2022), Ontologie relazionali e Trinità (2022), and various philosophical and theological scientific articles. His interests focus on analytical philosophy of religion, ontology, Trinitarian theology and gender studies.